Ritvik Coaching: Overview

Ritvik Coaching 
Get your College & BS/MD journey going

Meet @NoviceDad - Our Executive Coach!

@NoviceDad is a frequent contributor to various college forums and is the Executive Coach of Ritvik Coaching, a division of Ritvik Consulting.
He brings more than 20 years of preparing students for SAT / ACT Math as well as years of advising college-bound students and parents on college admissions, with a special focus on coaching for BS/MD/DO applications and interviews.

How Can You Benefit?

We coach talented high school students who are passionate about medicine and assist them to gain admission into selective universities – both Direct Medicine and traditional four year programs. 

We also help them prepare for SAT or ACT and AP exams in Calculus, Physics-C, Biology, and Chemistry.

We recognize that the admissions process can be immensely stressful for both students and parents. We guide you step by step and help make this journey manageable.

Our Approach

It is never too early! We work with 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th graders. 
We approach each grade with a different set of coaching objectives.

9th & 10th grade

Building out your bio.

In these early years, we get our students excited about medicine (for direct medicine track) or robotics (for engineering track) or economics (for business or finance track). 

In addition, we assist you in 
  • selection & pacing of school courses
  • finding meaningful research and clinical activities
  • helping you apply to summer internships and programs, and 
  • improving your math skills, which will pay dividends down the road. 
We continue to emphasize maintaining good grades/ GPA in school.

Alternatively, we can provide ad-hoc advice and guidance for your questions.

Between 10th & 11th Grade

We can also help you with your SAT or ACT Math preparation.

Also, we help you with your PSAT exam prep.

Track your summer programs and internships.

11th Grade

We will help you navigate your preparation for standardized tests.
Expand your bio: develop activities in both medical and non-medical activities.

Target universities: Start selecting university programs for you to target.
Target applications: Finally, we will take on the arduous process of navigating your college and/or direct medicine essays early, so that the monster of a process ultimately becomes very manageable.

Coach you on time-management skills.

We continue to emphasize maintaining good grades/ GPA in school.

“The Finish” 
12th Grade

All of your hard work comes down to this moment. 

Time will be a precious commodity! Managing your time to maintain your high GPA while also applying to many universities, including their Direct Medicine programs, and scholarship programs as well as your extra-curricular activities.

Furthermore, this is the year you will be cementing yourself as a leader in all activities you partake in. 

Your application game-plan: We will assist you to develop your game-plan, manage deadlines, polish your essays in an iterative process, and prepare you to face your interviews (different formats) confidently.

Go Beyond Your Dreams!

Now is the time to discover your full potential. 

Attain your dreams of becoming a physician, lawyer, computer scientist, and more!

We Want To Hear From You

Send us your details, and we’ll get back to you to schedule a time to talk.

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